Thursday, April 9, 2009

Farewell, Pretty Boy!

Some of you might know this guy:

Watashiwa Bryan Kho desu~~~~

He goes by lots of names, none of them are compliments, but they describe him well enough.

Pretty boy, leng-chai, gay name it.

He also has some very unique traits, namely:

An obsession over guy's asses.

An unnatural talent to stay beautiful.

An uncanny skill to totally obliterate mouses every single time he watches porn.

It's his 8th mouse to date when he discovered THAT website.

And a several others to name a few.

But, he will sorely be missed as he heads off to the land down under; Australia to hopefully stay out of trouble and not end up on the wrong side of the Australian law.

With every departure of a best friend that you knew and grew up with for so long, it was only likely that we threw a farewell party for him; girls, booze and drug inclusive of course.

And that was exactly what we did last night. A farewell party for Bryan Kho at Chef at Home in Hui Sing garden.

It was a pretty standard guy get-together. Testosterone were flying everywhere, dirty talks littered the once clean, pure air and we guys bonded.

Can't quite remember when I had that much fun talking to the rest of the 3G-ians that were there at the party. It was all good fun and games (by guy standards of course)

Being the best friend I was, I bought him a farewell gift while in KL as though I was the only one who cared about him going away. (Maybe I did XD)

A heavy duty, hopefully BK-proof gaming mouse that can withstand the harshest of his late night porn watching escapades.

Bk being Bk, went like, "Oh my gosh!!! Thankkk yuuuuuu ^.^" in typical weaboo fashion. Typical.

But, all in all, we had a pretty swell night! The food was good, I had a great company of friends to mingle around with and most of all, we get to make fun of Bk!

Man, I sure am going to miss those late night sessions of Left 4 Dead. No, I won't miss you. Only the times when the Hunter has surprise buttsecks with you.

Good times. Good times.

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