Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sociable Equals Fatness

I. Am. Utterly. Surprised.

The horrifying truth of a sociable individual is finally revealed at last by the Japanese, no doubt.

Bet those socialites with curvalicious figures and six-pack abs are now looking for a suitable bridge to jump off of to bring about their ends.

In short for those of you whose minds cannot the accept the gravity of that statement; mingling about with your friends and social buddies will inflate your fat mass tenfolds.

However, being emo and depressed with a knife ever-ready to slit your wrists will make you stay thin? Pure, unadulterated rubbish!!

Fret not, sociable ones, as Nathaniel Sia once again stands up for all that is good in this world!

With that said, I clearly disagree and deny all truth values whatsoever that the above statement stands for.

Here's a thought to feed your body-conscious minds. I'm a sociable being. I love mingling about with anyone. I can't get a day by without opening my motor-mouth to socialize with another human-being.

Take a long, good look at the picture above displaying the blogger's physique. Does that clarify any doubts whatsoever in your mind? If it does, good!

Now, continue staring and drooling on your computer monitors over that fine example of masculinity! =D

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