Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Gone With The Old....In With The New

Wow, it's so hard to believe 2008 has finally settled in. Just within a blink of an eye, I reluctantly welcomed 2008 due to the colossal menace it was about to bring......


Anyways, let's recap what I've done in the past year for the pleasures of all you blog readers out there.

January was a boring year. SMK Batu Lintang happily welcomed us post-PMR students back into its cruel, iron-grip embrace and we suffered tremendously under the shit-load of homework and lessons Form 4 brought about. Met and befriended most of the 3A students in our new class.

I got 400 ringgit richer in February with the arrival of Chinese New Year and managed to go group-visiting together with most of my old primary school friends. Not to forget, celebrating the New Year at various relatives' houses.

The next month of March saw me standing up on stage during my annual Vui Neng association awards-giving ceremony. Safe to say, I was again, the only male student in my association to score straight A's for my PMR.

I think it was somewhere in April where SMK Batu Lintang celebrated its annual Sports Day and unlike the previous years, I actually participated in it!!! No, I wasn't involved in any form of sports, not in the First Aid Team, and definitely not in the marching parade. I was instead......

......the official time-keeper and judge of the track and field events. So, those of you who weren't doing me favors or bribing me, take a good long look at the last places that you finished in. (insert evil laugh here)

Did nothing much of significance on May except for school and yes, more school. I'd skip the details as readers are facing just as much agony as me by even dragging their limp body to school.

The month of June spirited me off to the land below the wind, Sabah or better known as East Malaysia's better half. Thanks to my dad for having their inter-office sports championships there, I hopped on the earliest flight and departed for Kota Kinabalu.

Saw wonderful things, ate notoriously-famous local delicacies and even visited offshore islands for a little snorkelling with both the fishes and mermaids.

On the very same month, my grandpa celebrated his 79th birthday and the entire family was there to behold that wonderful occasion. It took place in Holiday Inn and everyone had a blast!!

If last year's occasion was grand and spectacular, I can guarantee that this year's celebration was going to blow the roof off of whatever venue we were going to hold it at.

Let's just skip July, even more boring days of school and the occasional weekends and holidays. Nothing much, really.

However, things in August took a turn for the better as I jetted off to the entertainment capital of Malaysia, Genting Highlands. Coupled with the fact that I was going to stay at the prestigious Awana Hotel Resort, this had to be the best vacation yet.

Spent most of the time there checking out the rides, gambling the limited fortune I possess away and posed with several ridiculous and senseless photo opportunities.

Several days after I got back from Genting Highlands, I lent a hand in the hosting of and attended SMK Batu Lintang's very own Prefects' Night.

Oh boy, that was one of the best formal functions I have attended what not with all the food, prizes, games and the friends that I hung out with. Despite the fact that I was one of the MC's for that night, I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Fast forwarding through September and October as I was busy getting ready for my end of year's Semester Exams, we arrive at the month of November which was perhaps, the most significant month of the year.

There I was, sitting at the Anugerah Kecemerlangan Pelajar SMK Batu Lintang when Cikgu Haryati approached me with this question, "Do you want to go to Port Dickson?" And I was all like, "Hell yeah!"

Several days later, I found myself in Port Dickson, attending an Anugerah Kecemerlangan Kokurikulum whilst representing SMK Batu Lintang's Science Club. Oh wow, my first solo trip ever!

Learnt the hard way of cramming into a room of 7 students, surviving a kepoma Minister's speech at midnight, the way of strutting to receive a prestigious award and haggling prices at the gigantic pasar borong of Nilai during my stay at Port Dickson.

Finally, we come to the month where the Christmas mood was in the air. What better way to celebrate the ends of December by taking an extended family vacation in KL!

Spent the first half of my trip in the heart of KL or more specifically, Jalan Bukit Bintang whilst shopping at the various shopping malls there. The second half of the trip was spent at Sunway Lagoon where I shopped some more and paid a visit to Sunway Lagoon Theme Park!

Indeed, I will miss 2007 and I hope the year 2008 will bring just as much good tidings as its previous year.

Till then, Happy New Year!!!!

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