Monday, January 19, 2009

Boom! Headshot!

There is a moment in every guy's life; when they could wield guns and shoot the living daylights out of their friends. Guilt-free and not end up in jail, of course.

Well, for me, today was that moment.

Thanks to John Paul for taking the time to organize and arrange a paintball match for all of us to enjoy! Kudos to your Uber L337 organizing skillz!

Sorry to digress but, let's get back to what this post is really about.

Today, a couple of us guys (me, Bryan, John Paul, Rick, Jason and Achang and Nathaniel[another Nat larr]) headed over to this little paintball field lying out in the middle of nowhere in Pasir Pandak. I mean, come on! You get to shoot people! Do you even need another reason?

Upon arrival, we embarked from our cars and were greeted by the paintball shop owner. Already on display and screaming "Shoot me! Squeeze my trigger!" were the..I mean, OUR weapons of mass destruction. Suddenly, one part of me was already devilishly cheering in joy.

And here's what you'll use to shoot 'em where it really hurts.

Sure, it ain't no AK-47, but I get to SHOOT stuff!

Like they say, one's a loner, two's a crowd and a shitload of guns is a freaking party! Ok, so I made that up. So what? You STILL get to shoot stuff!

Btw, these things ain't called pistols. They're called paint markers....You still get to shoot stuff! XD

Rentals for the equipment and the overall price itself for a game of paintball isn't exactly the price of a bowl of kolo mee. But, depending on the number of paint pellets you're willing to buy, the price will vary.

Here's a run-down on the price we had to pay:

Rentals of equipment: RM 30 per head
Price of paint pellets: RM 300 per box/2000 rounds

We had 6 people to evenly distribute the price of the pellets, hence, we ended up paying a total of RM 80 per person. So, the more people you bring, the less you'll have to pay but you wind up with less ammo per person.

With 6 people on the paintball field, each one of us had an average of 250 shots each, so try to make those shots count.

All in all, it wasn't quite reasonable for a good hour of fun though. Then again, it was raining, the ground was muddy and it really hampered free movement around the field.

As for the battleground itself, it was in the form of an outdoor field littered with obstacles to use as cover as you can see from below:

Paintball Place Owner: This field is for you gundu noobz to play in!

So yeah, it was basically a training ground for us, gundu noobz or first-timers to play in. At first I thought the place was decent enough for us to play in. However, as for the more seasoned veterans, take a look:

They get to play in a friggin' jungle for goodness sake! What the hell? I thought this was paintball, not friggin' Rambo I, II, III or even IV!

So, we suited up; wearing a neck-protector, a protective vest that also happens to cover your crotch and a head-gear which was supposed to protect your plastic-surgery-enhanced faces. Bringing the paint marker into the field, we first started off in a team-based match, 3 on 3.

Jason, Bk and I were on one team (the Pretty Boys) and Rick, Achang and John Paul on the other (the Cool Guys). The pretty boys ended up winning the entire match, 2 to 1. Haha! In your face!

Wowee gee! The game was intense, man! But, the muddy, wet ground kinda ruined the total awesomeness of the whole experience. Slipping and sliding in the mud was definitely not how the game was supposed to be played. Achang didn't mind though. Of course, we are talking about the guy who tried to re-enact various Matrix moves on a slippery surface with EPIC-FAILNESS.

Still, running from cover to cover, squeezing off rounds after rounds and ducking your heads under enemy fire made up for a totally awesome and intense hour of pure fun! Plus, watching your shots land on your opponent before red paint splatters all over his body was sadistically fun!

Rule of thumb when playing paintball:

1. Make good use of cover.
2. Fire in short, controlled bursts to conserve ammo.
3. For maximum accuracy, mount your marker on an object to get a better bead on your target.
4. Paintballs travel in a downward arc, so aim slightly above distant targets to score a hit.
5. Have someone lay down suppressing fire when travelling from cover to cover.
6. Try not to get hit. It hurts and bruises!

These guys are the last hope for the freedom, safety and democracy of Malaysia. We're screwed.

So, for you pansies out there, this is definitely not the game for you. It hurts, it bruises, it's dirty and you WILL bleed.

My verdict: it was fun but something you would only want to do once in a LONG while because of its rather high price tag for just an hour of fun.

To sum it up, paintball is just like Counter-Strike. With better graphics. XD


Samuel K Lis said...

no one went home bleeding? shucks...

Reening said...

Lucky I wasn't there.

You'd all become piles of flesh with my uber awesome ninja skillzzzz