Wednesday, April 30, 2008

SSYS Penang 2008 (part 4)

Sorry for the uber-late update but been busy with inter-school debates and all. Plus, this post is already super duper delayed. I'll just sum it up in one BIG nutshell. =D

Day 4 in Penang. 7.30 pm.

Went to this nifty, little place called New World Park, a commercial hawker centre like Hui Sing in downtown Penang together with the Singaporeans.

First thing I noticed in the air was the heavenly aroma of the various hawker delicacies. Finally, after 4 days of waiting, I was to lavish the taste of Penang hawker food at last!

With so many things to eat, I turned to Julin and she said to try the lok bak; Penang's equivalent of lok-lok. Rather than crab-sticks and the usual fishballs, Penang's lok bak consisted entirely of various assortments of meat fried in some secret sauce. Dipping them in the lemon sauce and chilli sauce will send a blossom of rich flavours into your mouth and tummy!

Lok Bak: The next best thing to heaven

And of course, the Penang Fried Kuey Teow is definitely a must-eat for any food enthusiast stopping by in Penang! Deeply fried noodles with prawns, cuttlefish, pork and a shit-load of chilli spices to boot, make it the sheer epiphany of delicious!

Penang Fried Kuey Teow: Mankind's greatest creation since deodorant

Plus, a god-sent cup of teh o pang to wash all those goodies down my throat. No one does tea better than the locals of Penang! Fragrance, satisfaction, bliss, all in one brew.

Teh O Pang: Heaven is but a brew away...

With all that said and done, it was time to head back for tomorrow.

Tomorrow signalled the end of our evaluation and our project exhibits were opened for public viewing.

Day 5 in Penang

But, before that........

Woman in picture: Aha! Found you! Tee hee hee hee~~

Back to the topic at hand, the public exhibiting allowed us much chance to visit other booths and mingle around with the various delegates.

Our resident Yao Ming: Chen Yuan Xi 193 cm!

Boy, words cannot describe how I felt during the entire exhibition. I felt as if the world was just concentrated in that one, particular room. We have cute Vietnamese girls in the corner, hawt Brunei-ian's in another, quirky Singaporeans running about, Filipino's attending their booths, Thai's inspecting various exhibits. It was awesome.

Leaving poor Liew to attend the booth, I sneaked off to satiate my craving for camwhoring.

WARNING: Shit-load of peektures ahead!!

Perfect Julin and her Plastic City!

Singapore with its Water Purifying Research!

Hawt Brunei-ians studs with their Acacia sp. Trees research!

Woohoo! My homeboys are flyyyy~~~~~

Sexy red is the new in~~

Child molester alert!! (Just jk, Hadi!)

If that's what the Philippines is, I'm packing up and moving there!

Yours truly prides himself on being a ladies' man

Once the exhibition was over, we headed off to the hall where the prize-giving ceremony was to be conducted. The moment of anticipation of many. The penultimate conclusion to the 5 days in Penang.

Before the prize-giving ceremony though, each of the country's delegate were scheduled to perform a cultural presentation. And boy, were they mind-blowers, especially the 1 from Vietnam! It practically rocked the house out!

A 2-stringed guitar, a rocker, and a catchy line like, "Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh!" made rock history

Now, onto the moment of revelation itself, the prize-giving ceremony.

Glad to say, most of the awards in the Mathematics category were bagged by the Singaporeans for their project, 'Bobby's Carrot'. If you wish to know more about it, visit their blog! The Science category were more of a mixed result

Julin bagged the award for best project exhibit and another one which I can't remember. Don't kill me! XD

Even our own Ernest bagged two awards of his own, 3rd for "Best Written Report" and 1st for "Best Presentation".

However, Liew and I didn't win anything. But hey, the experience of coming here, participating in such a prestigious event is already a battle won to me. Let's be honest, how many of us have the chance to even be involved in such a competition?

And now, group pics involved in our rendition of P. Ramlee's "Getaran Jiwa"

Most of the Malaysian delegates were involved

Of course, we couldn't get the opportunity to come if it wasn't for our teachers whom put in so much effort to help us make our project a success.

Thank you so much, our dearly beloved teachers!!!

It has been a roller-coaster ride of emotions throughout the entire duration of our stay here in Penang. So many new friends have been made, and so many memories shared. The world is indeed a smaller place now that I've met you all.

No matter where you hail from, no matter your country of origin, no matter how many miles of sea and land we are separated by, we are not so much different than who we think. In fact, we are alike in more ways than one.

Therefore, I thank God for blessing me with this chance to meet you all. My outlook of the world has indeed, changed for the better.

Thanks, Yuan Xi!

Therefore, this post concludes what was, what is, and what shall always be in our hearts as the SEAMEO Search For Young Scientist 2008.

1 comment:

Amelia Yvonne said...

hey, i wished i could draw like yuan xi then i can draw me every day. haha